5 Tips for Writing Thank You Letters to Your Donors Send your letter out quickly When you are writing a thank you letter to your donors, you need to make sure that you are sending you your letter very quickly. The acceptable time or a turn around when it comes…

LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR DONATION5 Tips for Writing Thank You Letters to Your Donors

Send your letter out quickly
When you are writing a thank you letter to your donors, you need to make sure that you are sending you your letter very quickly. The acceptable time or a turn around when it comes to a thank you letter is 2 days. If you can absolutely not make that happen, try for no longer than a week. Many of these donors are constantly backing many different causes and projects, so it is important to remind them of their donation to your project or cause while it is still fresh on their mind.

Make sure your thank you letter is personal.
There is nothing more disheartening than receiving a letter or email that sounds like it was written by using a template. If you are on a first name basis with your donor, you will need to make sure that you are using their first name in your letter. Use personal pronouns as well to make your letter even more personal. Looking through your donor records will also help you to really be able to personalize your letter. You will be able to see when they donated last, and other information that you can use to personalize your letter.

Let your donors be aware of their results
Donors love to see the fruits of their labors. There are many different ways in which you can show your donors the ways in which their donations have helped them. Setting up a website or a blog is a great way to share stories and pictures with your donors. This is something that will be able to help your donors to see how much of an impact that they are really making. Newsletters that are sent out on a regular basis can also help your donors to see these stories.

Use handwriting to add a personal touch to your letters
When you are sending letters to your donors, handwriting can create a very personal touch. When you have a large amount of donors to send thank you letters to, it can be very difficult to hand write all of your letters. When this is the case, a personal signature can be a very nice touch. When it is possible, handwritten notes can be a great gesture however. This is something that can create a great deal of connection for those who are reading the letter.

Do not ask for more money in your thank you letter
You need to make sure that your letter is thanking your donors, and simply just doing that. Your donors will find it very off putting for you to add a request for more money within your letter. When you simply are saying thank you in your letter, this is something that will be the most effective when it comes to prompting your donors to donate more in the future. A good thank you letter can go a long way in the world of donations, and you need to make sure that your thank you letters do not turn into letters asking for more money.